Enhance your smile and boost your confidence with dental veneers in San Antonio, Texas. Dental veneers are recommended for individuals looking to address various cosmetic concerns. If you have chipped, stained or misaligned teeth, veneers can provide a transformative solution. They are also suitable for closing small gaps between teeth and improving the overall appearance of your smile.
What to Expect
During the initial consultation at Timberwood Dental, our dentist will assess your oral health and discuss your aesthetic goals. A small layer of enamel is then removed from the teeth receiving veneers to ensure a proper fit. Impressions are taken, and custom veneers are crafted. Once ready, the veneers are bonded to your teeth, creating a seamless and natural-looking result.
Benefits of Dental Veneers
Dental veneers offer a myriad of benefits beyond aesthetic improvements. They are durable and resistant to stains, providing a long-lasting solution for a radiant smile. Additionally, veneers can strengthen weakened teeth and enhance overall tooth resilience. With minimal maintenance, dental veneers offer a lasting and effective way to achieve the smile you have always desired.
Revitalize your smile with dental veneers by calling 830-222-6366 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Cody Spencer. We look forward to helping you with your smile!