Night guards are custom-made dental appliances designed to address various issues related to teeth grinding or clenching, scientifically known as bruxism. They are recommended for individuals experiencing bruxism, a condition often exacerbated during sleep. If you wake up with headaches, jaw pain or notice signs of wear on your teeth, you may benefit from a night guard.
What to Expect
Getting a night guard involves a simple process. Our dentist will take impressions of your teeth at Timberwood Dental to create a customized guard that fits comfortably in your mouth. The result is a personalized solution tailored to your unique dental structure, which allows you to relax your jaw at night while sleeping. The result is a better night’s rest on top of a protected smile.
Benefits of Using a Night Guard
The advantages of using a night guard extend beyond preventing dental issues. These devices promote better sleep quality by reducing discomfort associated with bruxism. Additionally, they safeguard your teeth from wear and tear, preserving your smile and overall oral health. Investing in a night guard in San Antonio, Texas, is a proactive step towards a more relaxed sleep and a healthier mouth. Call 830-222-6366 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Cody Spencer to discuss your options.